Date, time, venue, service, burial site, obituary poster

Gaspard Ulliel was a French actor known for his role as Hannibal Lecter in the thriller “Hannibal Rising”.

He died at the age of 37 in a skiing accident in southeastern France.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex, tweeted a tribute to the young man on stating,

“Gaspard Ulliel grew up surrounded by film, and film grew up with him. They were madly in love with each other “.

According to CNN affiliate BFMTV, Ulliel died on January 17 in a hospital in Grenoble, France, following a ski accident on January 18, 2022.

His next on-screen appearance will be in the Marvel Disney+ series “Moon Knight,” which is set to premiere in March 2022.

In the 2014 biopic “Saint Laurent,” Ulliel received critical acclaim for his portrayal of French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. He went on to win a César for Best Actor in the Xavier Dolan film “It’s Only the End of the World,” France’s equivalent of the Oscar.

Gaspard Ulliel funeral: Date, time, venue, service, burial site, obituary poster

The family has yet to fully implement the date, time, venue, service, burial site, and obituary poster for the decedent’s burial and funeral service.

You will be notified when information about when he will be buried becomes available.
