Evel Knievel Net Worth 2024


Robert Craig Knievel Jr., better known as Evel Knievel, was an American stunt performer and entertainer who gained worldwide fame for his daring motorcycle jumps. Despite his passing in 2007, his legacy continues to influence pop culture and the world of extreme sports. This article will delve into the projected net worth of Evel Knievel in 2024, taking into account his past earnings, assets, and posthumous income.

Estimated Net Worth:$3 million
Age at Death:69
Born:October 17, 1938
Country of Origin:United States
Source of Wealth:Stunt Performer, Entertainer

Evel Knievel’s Early Life and Career

Evel Knievel was born in Butte, Montana, and his early life was marked by rebellion and a love for speed. His career as a stunt performer began in the late 1960s, and he quickly gained notoriety for his daring jumps and fearless attitude. His most famous stunts include jumping over the fountains at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and attempting to jump over the Snake River Canyon in a steam-powered rocket.

Income from Stunt Performances

During his active years, Knievel’s primary source of income was his stunt performances. He was known to charge hefty fees for his shows, and his popularity ensured a steady stream of income. However, the exact figures of his earnings from these performances are not publicly available.

Evel Knievel’s Assets

At the height of his career, Knievel lived a lavish lifestyle. He owned several properties, including a mansion in Florida and a ranch in Montana. He also had a collection of luxury cars and custom motorcycles.

Value of Properties

While the exact value of Knievel’s properties at the time of his death is not known, it is estimated that they were worth several million dollars. The value of these properties would have likely increased over the years, contributing to his net worth.

Value of Car and Motorcycle Collection

Knievel’s collection of cars and motorcycles was another significant part of his assets. He owned several custom-made motorcycles, including the famous Harley-Davidson used in his stunts. The value of this collection would also have appreciated over time.

Posthumous Income

Even after his death, Knievel’s estate continues to earn income through various sources. These include royalties from merchandise sales, licensing deals, and the use of his image and likeness in media.

Merchandise Sales

Knievel’s merchandise, including action figures, apparel, and collectibles, continue to be popular among fans. The sales of these items contribute to his posthumous income.

Licensing Deals

Knievel’s estate has entered into several licensing deals over the years. These deals allow companies to use Knievel’s name and image in their products, generating royalties for his estate.

Media Appearances

Knievel’s image and likeness have been used in various forms of media, including films, documentaries, and video games. These appearances also generate income for his estate.

Evel Knievel Net Worth 2024

Taking into account his past earnings, assets, and posthumous income, it is estimated that Evel Knievel’s net worth in 2024 will be around $3 million. This figure is a testament to his enduring popularity and the lasting impact of his career.


Evel Knievel was a larger-than-life figure whose daring stunts captivated audiences around the world. Despite his passing, his legacy continues to generate income through merchandise sales, licensing deals, and media appearances. With his assets and posthumous income taken into account, it is estimated that Evel Knievel’s net worth in 2024 will be around $3 million. This figure is a testament to his enduring popularity and the lasting impact of his career.
